Our Process & Pricing

FASTER financing

We streamline the complex process from finding a match to due diligence and guide you through each transaction step by step — resulting in less stress and better ROI.
Whether you're looking for a hands-on partner or prefer to work more independently through our marketplace technology, Atheva is your trusted partner.

How Our Streamlined Process Works


Goal Review & Match

Our team of experts work with you hand in hand on your deal criteria and goals to find the right buyer or seller.

  • Deal criteria & goals
  • Parties matched
  • Parties sign NDA

Share & Transact

Once matched, we provide clear steps, outline specific needs from the buyer, and create a deal room for documents to help fast-track the transaction.

  • Share documents
  • Due diligence
  • Term sheet signed
exchange icon

Exchange & Payments

Our team continues to follow through to ensure the final exchanges of credits and payments are made.

  • Credits registered
  • Contract exchanged
  • Payments made

Pricing That Helps You Net More

Low Transaction Fee

The economics need to work for buyers and sellers, which is why we stand by having a low transaction fee. This allows Project Developers to maximize their net outcome and provides flexibility on credit pricing to attract the right buyers.

  • Paid by seller
  • Seller pays nothing until closing

Estimate your outcome with our Transaction Calculator.

Are you ready to maximize your net outcome?

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© 2024 Atheva, Inc.
